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Join Us

Our members are the lifeblood of our organisation - your help is invaluable!


  • Life membership £ 60.00 GBP

  • Standard membership £ 8.00 GBP

  • Concession £ 5.00 GBP (Pension, Unwaged, Student)

All memberships are renewed annually (excluding life membership)

Bank transfers to:  

SELRAP     sort code: 05-03-83     

account: 34689554     

use your name as reference

Please email your details so we can acknowledge receipt and keep you posted about the campaign.


If you would prefer just to make a donation to this campaign - rather than getting involved by becoming a member - we welcome your support.

Donations, both small and large, are always warmly welcomed.

Bank transfers to:  

SELRAP     sort code: 05-03-83     

account: 34689554     

use your name as reference

Please email your details so we can acknowledge receipt and keep you posted about the campaign.

Corporate or Council Body

  • Affiliate / group £ 25.00 GBP

Affiliate Memberships are renewed annually

Bank transfers to:  

SELRAP     sort code: 05-03-83      account: 34689554     

use your name as reference

Please email your details so we can acknowledge receipt and keep you posted about the campaign.


How the Campaign uses your membership and donations.

The SELRAP campaign is totally supported by its membership and donations: we receive no funding from any government department.
This campaign is therefore being funded by the community who will ultimately benefit from the reopening of the Skipton to Colne railway line.

Thus, without this kind support from both our membership and others in the community who kindly offer us donations, we would not be in our present unique position. Your funds provide us with the opportunity to do many things to continually promote and develop this project: thus, pushing us all forward towards our ultimate goal of re-opening the Skipton to Colne railway line.
SELRAP enjoys cross-party political support from Members of Parliament, local councils and others in the political arena. However, this campaign does not support any political party and neither do we donate to any political party or other political cause(s).
SELRAP attends over 100 meetings and events a year, all over the country, to campaign for this project.
All this effort maintains a high-profile in both the public eye and also in the media. Running a professional operation means that this campaign is today being taken very seriously by ministers: MP’s: politicians (of all parties): senior civil servants and several major businesses.
Put very simply: without your help none of this would be possible!



How we use your campaign funds is as follows:>

  • Professional support: such as studies and reports commissioned from major consultancies.

  • Attend meetings: with government, MP’s, local council, businesses and interested parties.

  • Attending Conferences.

  • Publications: for example, our regular At a Glance newsletter and The Prospectus.

  • Organising and hosting SELRAP events: including membership and public meetings.

  • Managing the Project Development Team (PDT).

  • Attend other related campaign’s meetings and events.

  • General campaign administration.


All expenditure by this campaign is scrutinised and approved by the SELRAP executive.
Details of our income and expenditure is full transparent to our campaign’s membership. Therefore, our expenditure is presented and explained, in public, at our regular members meetings: which are held approximately every two to three months.

Our SELRAP campaign’s accounts are independently audited and these annual accounts are presented and approved at our Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Finally. Thank you for your continuing support: without your help, support and funding none of this would ever be possible.

The SELRAP Executive

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